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Crist Voters Plus Meek Voters Beats Rubio

September 30th, 2010 by flanews

Republican Marco Rubio is dominating the race to become Florida’s next US Senator even though polls show 54 percent of voters prefer someone else. The three way race is dividing Democrats making the path to victory appear easy for Rubio. As Whitney Ray tells us, Democrats have to decide between voting for who they like or voting for who can win.

Democrat Dennis MacLaren is bucking his party and voting for an independent candidate. MacLaren, like thousands of Democrats, think Governor Charlie Crist has a better chance of beating Republican Marco Rubio… than party favorite Kendrick Meek. Yet Crist is still trying to appeal moderate voters.

“They have two choices; one to my right and one to my left. And they’ll get it for six years if they pick one of those guys, so it will be fine,” said Crist.

With less than five weeks to go until Election Day, and absentee ballots already being cast the numbers don’t look good for Crist. A Quinnipiac Poll released Thursday says 46 percent of likely voters want Rubio, with just 33 percent supporting Crist…. and less than 20 saying they will vote for Meek. Still, Meek is confident he can pull off the upset.

“I’m not really listening to the voices of those individuals that are saying they are going to throw their support one way of another,” said Meek.

Pollsters say without an immediate and massive move by Democrats to support either Meek or Crist, Rubio will waltz to victory.

“If you are going to assume that the 54 percent of the electorate that is not going to vote for Rubio all voted for one candidate, obviously that candidate could win. The question is, is that a realistic exercise,” said Pollsters Peter Brown.

Only three percent of the voters polled said they hadn’t settled on a candidate. The most telling stat of the poll is that 48 percent of voters are angry with the Federal government. Pollsters say it’s that anger that’s giving Rubio his 46 percent support.

Posted in Charlie Crist, Elections, Politics, State News | No Comments »

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