UF Floats Pilot Program on Flat-Rate Tuition
September 22nd, 2010 by Mike VasilindaIncoming freshmen at the University of Florida may have to settle for Spring and Summer semester classes only. The idea is being considered by the Board of Governors as a means of increasing class availability and better utilize university space. The idea is only a pilot program and the Board of Governors’ spokesperson Kelly Layman says the idea won’t go into effect until Fall 2011, at the earliest.
“The Board of Governors of the state university system is considering the concept,” Layman said. “The University of Florida still has a proposal, a formal proposal, to put on the table, that will outline all the details about how this will work as a pilot program, just at the University of Florida. So they’ll come back in November and let us know.”
If the Board of Governors approve the idea, other schools could implement the Spring-only enrollment on a voluntary basis.
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