Gay Adoption Ban Ruled Unconstitutional
September 22nd, 2010 by Mike VasilindaMartin Gill’s two foster children are now six and ten, but the youngest was just four months when they came to live with Martin and his partner. Martin says their time together has been the best.
“They are both really my pride and joy,” Gill said. “I really am so attached and love these kids so much. Needless to say, I wouldn’t let this law stand between me and my kids. We had to find a way around it and it sounds like we have.”
Gill says he has lived in fear of losing his children, every week for the past 13 months.
“In the back of my mind, I just could imagine them showing up at our door Wednesday afternoon to take my kids,” Gill said. “So it certainly hasn’t been easy. I’ve done my best to insulate them from that.”
Because the ruling was based on equal protection, it has the potential to expand the rights of gays and lesbians.
Marriage may not be one of them since gay marriage is banned in the constitution.
Just last week, Governor Charlie Crist says he supported gay adoption.
“We are going to immediately stop enforcing the ban on those adoptions because the district court has statewide application,” Crist said. “As it relates to potential appeal, I would like some time to give it some thought. See what the plaintiffs might deem appropriate.”
There are currently 850 children waiting for adoption.
The Governor says it is likely the case will be appealed to the Florida Supreme Court so that there will be a permanent statewide resolution to the question of gays and lesbians adopting.
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