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Amendment Nine in Limbo

August 18th, 2010 by flanews

The Florida Supreme Court will decide if a ballot proposal taking on the new national health care regulations will go before voters in November. The ballot language for the amendment, which is what people read in the voting booth, was ruled misleading by lowers courts. As Whitney Ray tells us, Legislative leaders, who wrote the language, are asking the justices to strike the ballot language and put the entire amendment on the ballot as a compromise to keep issue in front of voters.

Wednesday, Pam Olsen participated in a prayer meeting outside the Florida Supreme Court, while inside justices discussed an amendment allowing Florida to ignore new federal regulations that require people to buy health insurance. Pam is a missionary and has been living without health insurance for two years. She wants coverage, but doesn’t want to be forced to buy it.

“I would rather be fined or go to jail than to have our government tell us that we have to have taxpayer funded health care,” said Olsen.

Pam would have had a chance to vote on the issue, but lower courts claimed the ballot language drafted by the state legislature was misleading. The language promised to do away with waiting lists, protect doctor patient relationships, and crush mandates that don’t work. Sen. Carey Baker is defending the ballot summary.

“Had we not written those three phrases that they found objectionable, they would have found three other phrases objectionable,” said Baker.

Even if the amendment is put on the ballot and 60 percent of voters approve, it’s unlikely the state constitution would trump the new federal requirements. The Supreme Court is expected to issue an opinion sometime over the next 10 days. Ballots will be printed on September 2nd.

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