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Gay Foster Parents

August 10th, 2010 by flanews

Florida’s Attorney General says there needs to be a review of Florida’s gay foster parent law and children are raised best by a man and a woman. Attorney General Bill McCollum has been defending his statements ever since a Christian magazine released a transpiration of an interview he gave back in August. As Whitney Ray tells us, Florida law allows gay people to be foster parents, but it bans them from adopting.

For the past year Heather Rosenberg has been raising two foster children.

“Anytime you get involved with a child and you are able to love them and care for them and protect them and shelter them and nurture them, then that makes a big difference in their outcome,” said Heather.

Her sister grew up in foster care, living four years with a lesbian couple.

“There is no doubt that she would not have survived. No doubt in my mind at all. We did not have the family set up to be able to care for her,” said Heahter.

Heather is thankful her sister had her two moms, and sees no problem with gay people being parents, but Attorney General Bill McCollum does.

“My personal believe is that it’s best to have parents who are a man and a woman to raise a child,” said McCollum.

McCollum is in a brutal primary race for the Republican nomination for governor. He came out against gay foster parents in a Christian magazine, but doesn’t remember taking that stance.

“I may well have said it, I have no recollection of my specific words. I’m not trying to parse with you, I just don’t,” said McCollum.

Florida statutes don’t allow the state to ask the sexual orientation of people applying to be foster parents and a change to that law would likely be challenged.

Several gay foster parents communicated with us that didn’t want to talk on camera, fearing they could lose their children. They say banning gays, would leave hundreds of kids with no where to turn.

We called and emailed McCollum’s Primary Rival Rick Scott to find out his stance on gay foster parents. We are still waiting on a response.

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