Vet Proud to be an American, Finally
July 30th, 2010 by flanewsA German-born US Soldier can finally call the country he served home.
Axel Runtschke came to the US when he was 12, joined the Army in 1997, and served until 2000. Axel thought the Army handled his immigration papers, but when he tried to get a new social security card in 2006, he found out he was illegal. With the help of the media, immigration attorneys, and US Senator Bill Nelson, Axel was naturalized this week.
“It’s been overwhelming to get so much help so quickly, and I thank everybody who stepped up and stood behind me, from the bottom of my heart,” said Runtschke.
Once Axel found out he was an illegal alien he could no longer get work. With no job, his house fell into foreclosure and he began staying home with his three kids while his wife worked full time and took online college courses. Now that’s he’s a legal resident he wants to become a police officer.
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