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Hurt, Abandoned Puppy Doing Well

July 29th, 2010 by Mike Vasilinda

A six week old puppy thrown from a speeding truck on Saturday was given little hope for recovery when first taken to a vet, but as Mike Vasilinda tells us, today the puppy is up and walking about, bruised, blind in one eye, and scarred, but alive.

Jack is a six-week-old dachshund mix lucky to be alive. He was found Saturday along an isolated north Florida roadway and brought to a shelter with a harrowing story.

“The little girl that was with the mother, was adamant that the dog was thrown out the window,” Bonnie Brinson with Cauzican Animal Rescue said. “The mother passed over the dog, and looked in the rear-view mirror and thought it was a Dr. Pepper bottle. When she saw the puppy get up and try to walk, she realized it was a puppy.”

Jack is doing surprisingly well. His back is scarred and hair will likely never grow back over lawyers of skin that were scraped from his body. He stops every few feet to scratch, a symptom the wounds are healing. Bonnie Brinson says he is remarkably strong.

“Overall he’s got a loving personality and he’s got the will to survive,” Brinson said.

Jack’s appetite is back, feasting on expensive nutrient-added dog food.

The vet named him Jack, after Jack Sparrow from the movie because he’s only got one eye

A reward has been offered for information about who could have done such a thing to a small puppy but animal control officers say cruelty is far too common.

“Any animal control officer with any agency will tell you that they deal with this day in and day out. Maybe not so much an animal being thrown from a vehicle, but it’s not unheard of,” Christine Burns with the Wakulla County Animal Control.

The list of people who want to adopt Jack is growing, but he’s not going anywhere for at least six weeks as he heals.

Bonnie Brinson has run the animal rescue service for more than 20 years. She says it is because she wasn’t allowed to have pets growing up. She is accepting donations for Jack’s care. For more information contact her at bbbrinson4u@aol.com

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