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Capitol News Service » 2010 » June

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  • Edwin Markham
    "Defeat may serve as well as victory to shake the soul and let the glory out."
  • Dag Hammarskjold
    "We are not permitted to choose the frame of our destiny. But what we put into it is ours."
  • Nadia Boulanger
    "A great work is made out of a combination of obedience and liberty."
  • Joseph Addison
    "A man should always consider how much he has more than he wants."

Outspoken Prosecutor Backed

June 1st, 2010 by Mike Vasilinda

Kristen Hall, a prosecutor in Live Oak is appealing her firing. Hall was dismissed for speaking out at Tea Party rallies and other events. She was asked to tone down her remarks and refused. Now the State Attorney General and Lt. Governor are asking the State Attorney to back down and acknowledge Halls right to freedom of speech in her non working hours.

“That right to free speech applies, both in the state and federal constitutions, certainly, to a state employee on her own time. She absolutely has a right to free speech,” Lt. Governor Jeff Kottkamp said.

Reporter: The comment I read is that, indeed, this is a situation where she may have crossed the line, may have advocated anti-government sentiments…

“Actually, what happened is that she developed an expertise in constitutional law and was invited to come and speak about the constitution and the history of America and that’s exactly what she did,” Kottkamp said. “She was completely within her rights as an American citizen and a citizen of the great state of Florida.”

Reporter: Certainly, while she was a state employee, she worked for the State Attorney in that circuit. What do you hope happens now, since you really can’t force him I don’t think, can you?

“Well, I hope the State Attorney rethinks his position, stops digging in on this issue and recognize he made a mistake,” Kottkamp said. “This employee, in her own free time, was expressing her views on the constitution and that is protected by our First Amendment.”

Posted in Politics, State News | No Comments »

St. Joe Company Housing Settlement

June 1st, 2010 by Mike Vasilinda

In a story we first reported in April 2008, seven people who bought homes in the mid 1980’s from the St. Joe Company are on their way to new homes. After driveways and walls started cracking, it was determined the homes were built on wetland that had been filled with wood chips from the company’s paper mill. As the wood chips deteriorated, the homes began sinking. Lawyers for the families reached a settlement last week.

“Well, after six years of litigation with the St. Joe Company, the company has settled the case with the plaintiffs on the Bay Street,” attorney Tracy Moye said. “And the plaintiffs are now very happy; they’re very satisfied with their settlement from the company. And I’ve been in contact with a realtor. They are in the process of looking for new homes. My client has already found a new home and they moved into it and they are starting their lives over. We are thankful to the company for stepping forward.”

Terms of the settlement are secret, but the attorney says everyone will be able to afford a new place to live.

Posted in Business, Housing, State News | No Comments »

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