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Greer Discovery

June 30th, 2010 by flanews

State prosecutors are releasing hundreds of pages of documents and several recorded phone conversations in their investigation of former Republican Party Chairman Jim Greer. Greer faces criminal charges for funneling party contributions to a consulting company he co-owned. As Whitney Ray tells us, Greer’s partner in the company sold him out to avoid jail time.

To avoid criminal charges, Delmar Johnson picked up the phone and sold out to his former boss. Johnson was the executive director of the Republican Party of Florida. His boss, then-RPOF chairman Jim Greer, is facing criminal charges for a scheme to funnel political contributions to a consulting company the two men owned. But Johnson read the writing on the wall, and on March 25th taped this phone conversation.

“I heard the same thing last week, that you were throwing me under the bus and saying all you orders came from me, so I went and hired the top attorney in Tallahassee,” said Greer on the recording of phone call.

The recording along with hundreds of pages of documents are part of the state’s case against Greer. Among the documents is a witness list. Among the names is Governor Charlie Crist, who claims he never new about Greer and Delmar’s consulting company.

The Florida Democrats say the evidence against Greer could reveal more questionable activity among some of the party leaders.

“They were simply just using the Republican Party to basically launder money to live large. They were basically taking bribes through it,” said Jotkoff.

While the state builds its case against Greer, federal agents are poking around Tallahassee to find out if charges made on party issued credit cards held by members were legal.

In exchange for his cooperation, Johnson will avoid jail time, but he still has to pay back the 65-thousand donor dollars he made through the consulting company. The RPOF, under new leadership, will finish its internal audit next month to determine if any more money is missing.

Posted in Charlie Crist, Criminal Justice, Legislature, Politics, State News | No Comments »

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