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Taking Advantage of the Spill

June 25th, 2010 by flanews

The state is seeing a surge in people applying for saltwater fishing licenses since the Gulf Oil disaster began. BP requires the licenses for anyone entering into its Vessels of Opportunity program. And while most of the people filing for the licenses have a legitimate claim, as Whitney Ray tells us, there are reports of recreational fishermen trying to get into the program and take jobs away from out-of-work fishermen.

Fishermen, oystermen and shrimpers are fighting to save their coast and their livelihood. BP has enlisted 6-thousand of their boats in the war against the oil leak; cutting the boat captains a check to help make up for the business they’ve loss because of the company’s negligence.

As is the case in almost every disaster, there are some people out there trying to cash in on the miss fortune of others.

Bob Zales, the president of the National Association of Charterboat Operators, says his members sometimes have to compete with recreational fishermen, who make their money inland… but want to rent their boats to BP.

“These are people who are lawyers, doctors, who have private vessels, that are in my mind are stealing from the fishermen that do this because they are working in a program making money that should be going to a fishermen who is not making money,” said Zales.

Since the BP pipe began pumping millions of gallons of oil into the gulf… there has been a surge in the number of saltwater fishing license issued. BP is requiring people wanting to join their Vessels of Opportunity Program to have a license.

Most applications are from legit claimants. Henry Cabbage with Florida Fish and Wildlife, says those who aren’t will be weeded out by BP.

“BP will require documentation that you actually lost income from fishing if you are going to file a claim that says you lost income. Just having a saltwater product license is not sufficient documentation,” said Cabbage.

It’s not just the Vessels of Opportunity Program; outsiders are trying to break into, there are 4-thousand cleanup jobs available in Florida… the state is watching those applications closely to make sure, the people hired have been affected by the leak.

Posted in Environment, Gulf Oil Spill, State News | 1 Comment »

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