Energy Efficiency Rebates
April 16th, 2010 by flanewsAt eleven o’clock this morning the state had 17 million dollars to give to Floridians who bought energy efficient appliances.
By three o’clock today only five million dollars was left. The rebates are being offered as part of the federal stimulus package. Executive Director of the Governor’s Energy Office Rob Vaters says the rebate website has been hammered with people trying to file for a rebate.
“There has phenomenal interest in this program. We had prepared for an extremely high volume of hits on the internet. People have shown up as we expected. At one point the administrator was receiving 300-thousand hits per second,” said Vaters.
People who purchase an energy efficient water heater, refrigerator, washer, dishwasher, air-conditioner, or freezer can qualify for a twenty percent rebate. That is, if they purchase the appliances before the state runs out of money.
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