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Corporate Vouchers Expansion

April 22nd, 2010 by Mike Vasilinda

At a time when public schools are facing cuts or, at best, treading water, private schools are getting an extra 22 million dollars from the state. Governor Charlie Crist signed the legislation diverting the money today. As Mike Vasilinda tells us, the new law also contains automatic increases in state funding for private schools.

A month ago, hundreds of private schools kids and their teachers came to the Capitol to show their support for public funding of their schools.

On Thursday, they got the ultimate show of support from Governor Charlie Crist. He signed into law legislation making an additional 22 million dollars available to private schools from corporate tax credits.

Under the plan, corporate and other taxes due the state are diverted to a private account. Critics say the diversion hurts public schools, but the Senate sponsor says it saves the state money.

“It doesn’t take away money from public schools,” Sen. Joe Negron (R-Port St. Lucie) said. “It actually saves us money. Because it’s much less expensive than having a student in public schools.”

While the program only gives private schools 60 percent of the per student total given to public schools, that percentage will rise to 80 percent over time. The bill also automatically increases the total amount available as money runs out.

“I don’t think it’s an entitlement at all,” Rep. Will Weatherford (R-Wesley Chapel) said. “I think this bill is about empowering families. This is about giving families a choice.”

Religious leaders praised the increase. So did several students.

“I was getting picked on a lot on my bad grades,” Denisha Merriweather, a private school student from Jacksonville said. “But when I transferred to a private school, the influence was very positive. I was getting help from my peers.”

Teachers Unions say they will continue to opposed the plan until public schools are fully funded.

More than 27-thousand students are enrolled in the program.

Posted in Business, Charlie Crist, Children, Education, State Budget, State News | No Comments »

Mortgage Foreclosures Causing Concern

April 21st, 2010 by Mike Vasilinda

Bankers in Florida have been pushing legislation to reduce the amount of time it takes to foreclose on a home, but concerns seemed to have stopped the legislation dead in its tracks. But as Mike Vasilinda tells us, a busload of home owners facing foreclosure came to the Capitol today to drive a stake in the heart of the bill.

Florida bankers have been trying to get lawmakers to reduce the time it takes to foreclose from as long as two years to as little as 90 days.  The proposal has upset homeowners who are facing foreclosure from across the state.

They came to the Capitol with signs and stories of being mislead and mistreated.

“Before this debacle happened in my personal life, I had never paid a bill late,” homeowner Lisa Epstein said.

Lisa came from Palm Beach. Elisa Slack from Pensacola.

“You could lose your house in as little as 30 days without having to go to court,” Slack said. “So you wouldn’t even get heard by a judge. Who wins in that case? The banks do.”

After telling their stories, organizers gave them their marching orders.

“Every single one of you are going to go and meet your legislators,” attorney Mark Weidner said. “You’re going to explain to them the problem, you’re going to tell them why you are up here.’

Inside the Capitol, they searched for friendly faces.

The legislation is all but dead here on the Capitol’s fourth floor. The bankers are pleading for mercy, saying ‘we’re being misunderstood.’

Bankers are defending their push, saying homeowners will decide if a foreclosure gets on the fast track or not. They also argue that foreclosure reform is the path to a healthier economy.

“If we get the property back faster with title, we can pay the condo dues that are owed, we can start maintaining the home, or better yet, sell it to someone who will move in,” Anthony De Marco with the Florida Bankers Association.

While the legislation is on life support, the bankers are also pushing for more judges to handle the backlog of cases.

The legislation could also give some much needed relief to the court system which is backed up with an estimated half a million foreclosure cases.

Posted in Business, Housing, State News | No Comments »

FBI Investigates GOP Spending

April 21st, 2010 by flanews

While a Leon County judge mulls over a motion to drop charges against former House Speaker Ray Sansom for misusing state money, the FBI and IRS are reportedly looking deeper into Sansom’s use of Republican Party donations. As Whitney Ray tells us, Sansom isn’t the only one being fingered.

For the second time since his indictment former House Speaker Ray Sansom, is back in court asking for his criminal charges to be dropped.

The state says he stole six million state dollars to build an airplane hanger for a political contributor, even though the plan was interrupted.

“The crime was committed whether or not the appropriations act or not,” said Meggs.

The judge has yet to rule on Sansom’s motion to dismiss, but even if the judge drops the charges Sansom’s troubles may not be over. Reports of a federal investigation into Sansom’s spending of Republican Party money could land him in the US Courthouse.

Sansom is one of several dozen Republican lawmakers who made hundreds of thousands of dollars in charges on credit cards issued by the party. US Senate hopeful Marco Rubio’s spending may also be under investigation, as well as former GOP chairman Jim Greer, Governor Charlie Crist’s handpicked party chair.

“I don’t know anyone who is happy about that. I think that when ever people make a contribution they expect it to be used to win elections not to live a lavish lifestyle,” said Crist.

The Florida Democrats say the feds have their work cut out for them.

“We are heartened today that the FBI, IRS are stepping in to clean up this Republican culture of corruption,” said Eric Jotkoff, a spokesman with the Florida Democrats.

Neither the FBI nor the IRS will confirm or deny the investigations, but online accounts pin down at least one former Republican Party member claiming questions have been asked.

Posted in Charlie Crist, Criminal Justice, Politics, Sansom, State News | No Comments »

Giant Paella and the Budget

April 21st, 2010 by flanews

Politicians joined nurses, firefighters, and work-a-day citizens from Miami-Dade County to turn the Capitol courtyard into a fiesta.

Paella for 3-thousand was the dish of choice. Hundreds of people stood in a line that wrapped around the courtyard, just to get a taste. The people’s governor rolled up his sleeves to help serve the hungry festival goers. Afterward he told reporters he’s hungry to see the legislature’s spending plan. Rumors of Crist vetoing the legislature budget because it will likely stray too far from the spending plan he submitted at the first of the year have been making rounds in the capitol hallways.

“I wouldn’t want to go there yet. I think they are having good negotiations. They’re conferencing now. I’m hopeful they can come to a good conclusion that’s right for the people,” said Crist.

Crist has already vetoed two major Republican bills this session. Lawmakers have until Tuesday to reach an agreement if they plan to end session by April 30th.

Posted in Charlie Crist, Legislature, State Budget, State News | No Comments »

Crowded Ballot

April 21st, 2010 by flanews

The US Senate ballot is getting crowed. As Governor Charlie Crist eyes running as a No Party Affiliation candidate, a new name is entering the race.

Alex Snitker, a 34 year old salesman from St. Petersburg announced his candidacy today in Tallahassee. Snitker is running as a Libertarian. His platform; less government of course.

“I am running on a constitutionally limited federal government. The first thing I’d like to do is abolish the IRS and replace it with a consumption-based tax system, so that no American would pay taxes below the poverty level. The second thing will be term limits. No politician deserves to be in Washington for 30 or 40 years. They need to go up there, make the laws, and come home and live by the laws which they’ve made,” said Snitker.

Snitker hopes to raise two million dollars. If Crist decides to run as an independent then there could be four choices on the November ballot.

Posted in Politics, State News | No Comments »

Independent Charlie

April 20th, 2010 by Mike Vasilinda

Florida Governor Charlie Crist is confirming that he is considering running for the US Senate as an Independent. The confirmation comes on the heels of a poll showing Crist losing the GOP primary but winning in a three-way race between the Democrats, Crist and Republican Marco Rubio. As Mike Vasilinda tells us, Crist could remain a registered Republican and still run with no party affiliation.

Governor Charlie Crist says he is on a listening tour…getting phone calls and text messages asking him to either remain a Republican or run for the US Senate as an independent.

When asked about the Washington establishment wanting him to either drop out of the race or stay in the GOP, Crist minced no words.

“I think I’ll take the advice of the people in Florida, instead of the advice of people in Washington,” Crist said. “They’ve tried to tell us a lot. I don’t think we need to listen to them.”

The confirmation that he’s even considering a run as an independent comes on the heels of a poll showing Charlie Crist winning a three-way race. He has stopped running this ad bashing his GOP Opponent Marco Rubio.

Florida Republican Party Chairman John Thrasher believes an independent candidacy will hurt the GOP.

“I think Republicans are going to support the nominee,” Thrasher said. “And I think that’s what Republicans are going to do. That’s why I would encourage him to stay as a Republican.”

Former Florida Democratic Party Executive Director Screven Watson thinks an independent run also hurts his party.

“Some things his done in this session, I think, would drag some Democratic votes away from Congressman Meek,” Watson said.

Under state law, Charlie Crist would be able to keep his Republican registration and still file for the U.S. Senate with no party Affiliation. And he’d still be able to keep every dime he’s raised.

Asked if even considering a no party affiliation put the governor in an unusual position, Crist responded…

“These are unusual times,” he said.

Crist has until April 30th to file his paperwork for the US Senate Race.

One obstacle to an Independent candidacy for the Governor is fundraising. National and state parties typically provide millions in support, and Crist would not have that advantage as an independent.

Posted in Charlie Crist, Elections, Politics, State News, Voting | No Comments »

PSC Postponement

April 20th, 2010 by flanews

The governor’s plan to end corruption at the Public Service Commission by appointing two new commissioners is being challenged by the state senate. A conformation hearing for the appointees was postponed today. As Whitney Ray tells us, the postponement could be retribution for Governor Charlie Crist’s veto of Senate Bill Six and shopping the idea for an independent run for US Senate.

After a year filled with secret dealings between the Public Service Commission and utility executives, Governor Charlie Crist decided to replace two of the five members.

Crist appointed a former journalist and a business owner this winter… They promptly shot down a combined billion and a half dollar rate hike for Florida Power and Light and Progress Energy.

Tuesday Republican Lawmakers postponed their confirmation hearing. State Senator Mike Fasano says the delay is punishment for keeping electric bills low.

“We are seeing outsiders, and senators, and house members going after those who stopped those rate increases,” said Fasano.

State Senator JD Alexander says the appointees simple don’t have enough experience to be ruling on rate cases.

“These are folks who are populous in background, who don’t have the financial training to really get into a rate filing case, which at time is 14,000 pages worth of testimony,” said Alexander.

But there may be more political factors at play.

The postponement comes just days after Governor Charlie Crist vetoes a top Republican legislative priory and considers bucking his party and running for US Senate as an independent.

Crist says he’s not sure if his actions are holding back the confirmations.

“I honestly don’t know, I don’t believe so, but I don’t know. It’s possible. Anything is possible,” said Crist.

Crist is still holding out hope that a conformation hearing will be rescheduled before session ends.

Posted in Charlie Crist, Legislature, State News | No Comments »

60 Feet of Protest

April 20th, 2010 by flanews

Supporters of the new health care regulations unrolled a 60 foot long petition signed by more than 76-hundred Floridians in the state Attorney General’s Office this morning.

Petitioners want the Attorney General to drop his lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of health care changes. The Attorney General was out of town, but Damien Filer with Progress Florida says he’ll get the message.

“I think that there is enough momentum behind this, in fact there was a poll that came out yesterday that showed that Floridians overwhelmingly oppose his efforts to do this. Bill McCollum is the Attorney General of Florida, he’s suppose to be the people’s attorney, and he’s not representing the interest of the people of Florida and I think that he’s going to get that message today.” Said Filer.

A Monday Quinnipiac poll released shows that 54 percent of Florida voters opposes the suit… with just 40 in favor of the AG’s efforts.

Posted in Health, McCollum, Politics, State News | No Comments »

500 Miles in My Shoes

April 20th, 2010 by flanews

Emotions were high at the state capitol today as a victim of years of sexual abuse finished a 500 mile walk from Tampa and collapsed on the lawn of the old capitol. Lauren Book-Lim was molested by her nanny as a child. She spent the last 20 days walking to raise awareness of sexual abuse and to encourage victims to speak out and hold their heads high.

“I think that the pain that I suffered as a child was awful and should never, ever happen to a child. But today, it’s not so much pain; it’s elation, it’s excitement, it’s huge relief. We’re just so proud to be here and I’m just so glad that I was able to do this and speak for other survivors,” said Lauren.

Her Father, Ron Book, one of Florida’s most influential lobbyists, was over come with pride for his daughter’s effort to stop sexual abuse.

“The ability for her to go out there and just try to tell people, look
at me, I’m OK, shed your shame, shed that embarrassment, don’t be
afraid. It’s a big deal. There was not a day of the walk that she did
not get incredible stories,” said Book.

Lauren is asking lawmakers to boost funding for programs that help sex crimes victims and is leading a program to teach kids how to report sexual abuse.

Posted in Children, Criminal Justice, State News | No Comments »

Bush Backs Bills

April 19th, 2010 by flanews

A controversial bill paving the way for state dollars to be spent on religious organization is drawing strong opposition. The bill would allow state funding for religious schools, a proposal that, as Whitney Ray tells us, has been a long time goal of former Governor Jeb Bush.

Legislation that could open up a pipeline to funnel state dollars to religious schools is being dubbed the Religious Freedom Act. The Florida Education Association, the ACLU, and a slew of Democrats are fighting the plan.

“This bill will do nothing more than further religious discrimination in this state,” said State Representative Adam Fetterman.

Supporters say the plan would protect businesses and charities with a religious affiliation from being discriminated against in the dash for state cash.

“This amendment simply says that if the government is spending money and there are religious organizations that apply for that money, they can’t be discriminated against,” said State Senator Joe Negron.

A similar plan was pushed through the legislative process by Former Governor Jeb Bush, but in 2006 the state Supreme Court ruled it unconstitutional.

Bush reemerged shortly before the start of this year’s legislative session pushing drastic education reform. More tax dollars for private schools is still on the agenda. State Senator Dave Aronberg says Bush is having his best session to date.

“He may not be here, but his presence is being felt here. A lot of legislation that is being pushed has his name all over it,” said State Senator Dave Aronberg.

The Florida Education Association, who successfully defeated Bush’s merit pay plan, says it’s not fair for the former governor to be pulling the strings.

“Yes he is but he doesn’t have to face the voters anymore and he doesn’t have to face you guys,” said Pudlow.

If the Religious Freedom Act passes both chambers, voters would get a change to weigh in on the issue in November. The last legislative hurdle is the state House. The Religious Freedom Act is soaring through the Senate… but with just two weeks left in this year’s legislative session the House may run out of time to hold a hearing on the issue.

Posted in Children, Legislature, Religion, State News | No Comments »

Bikers Rally for Justice

April 19th, 2010 by Mike Vasilinda

More than 2 hundred motorcyclists road their bikes onto the grounds of the state Capitol today seeking tougher penalties for motorists who hit and kill bikers. Often, car and truck drivers are given just an 89-dollar ticket for failing to yield the right of way, even when deaths are involved,. As Mike Vasilinda tells us, on average, Florida drivers are killing a motor or bicyclist every day of the year.

Their looks are deceiving. These are doctors, engineers, Vietnam veterans.  They belong to a group known as Abate. It started out as A Brotherhood Against Totalitarian Enactments and ended up American Bikers Aimed towards Education.

They were here to push the latter. This sign says it all. They want tougher penalties for everyone involved in a fatal accident. Often they say motorists get a slap on the wrist  and a civil citation for running a red light, but nothing more.

Tina McElhenny lost her son in 2002.

“We had to fight for 6 months just for her to receive a ticket,” McElhenny said. “And then it was dismissed because he was the only witness and unfortunately he was killed, by her.”

Here in Florida, bikers die on the road at an average of more than one a day.

It took more than ten minutes to read the names of all of the bikers killed last year. A bell sounding for each one of them.

In addition to tougher penalties, they also want everyone involved in a fatal accidents to have their blood alcohol tested. Even some lawmakers were surprised to learn that’s not already the law.

“If that careless driver kills someone, then that driver could go to jail,” Sen. Dave Aronberg (D-Greenacres) said. “Right now, it’s like a slap on the wrist.”

The group, which is highly organized, has a track record of winning more than they lose.

The tougher penalties would also apply to drivers who hit pedestrians and bicyclists. Despite their anger, the bikers are not backing legislation to allow red light cameras. They fear they will be unable to see a light changing when they follow vehicles through intersections.

Posted in Criminal Justice, State News | 2 Comments »

Budget Negotiations

April 19th, 2010 by flanews

The threat of extra innings in the state legislative session appears to be behind state lawmakers charged with balancing the budget.

Weekend budget negotiations between the House and the Senate fell apart because the two chambers couldn’t come to an agreement over how to spend 800 million federal Medicaid dollars. Talks resumed today. State Senator Evelyn Lynn says she’s still prepared to leave Tallahassee April 30th.

“We have to negotiate. Our money is never the same, so who is going to give and who is going to take,” said Lynn. “I think we’ll finish on time.”

Even if lawmakers reach an agreement on time, there is still a chance that Governor Charlie Crist will veto their legislative spending plan and call a special session to rework the budget before July first.

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SB 6 Fallout: Praise and Punishment

April 16th, 2010 by flanews

Governor Charlie Crist’s veto of Senate Bill Six is earning him praise from teachers and Democrats, but grief from Republican peers. Yesterday’s veto cost him a few key endorsements and a campaign advisor. Capitol Correspondent Whitney Ray tells us, the veto could set the stage for Crist to run as an independent for US Senate.

This announcement Thursday, “I veto Senate Bill Six” opened up a floodgate of praise.

35-hundred phone calls and emails poured into Governor Charlie Crist’s office between noon and 5:30 Thursday, thanking Crist for striking down new restrictions on teacher pay and contracts.

But not all the feed back flowing into the governor’s office is positive. Just next door the Attorney General sent an email expressing his disappointment… Legislative leaders wrote letters chiding Crist’s decision… and the speaker designate pulled his endorsement.

And one day after the veto Representative Seth McKeel is throwing his political weight behind Crist’s US Senate Primary Opponent Marco Rubio

The bill sponsor, Senator John Thrasher says Crist’s decision adds insult to his already injured US Senate Campaign.

“I don’t know what his chances are now… but they don’t look to good now… best I can tell,” said Thrasher.

A recent Quinnipiac poll shows Crist losing by 23 points if he stays in the Republican Primary… but winning in a three way race as an independent.

“you might think he has a better chance at being a US Senator if he changes his mind,” said Pollster Peter Brown.

If Crist runs as an independent it gives the state’s 175-thousand teachers a chance to cast a vote in his favor. If he stays with his party, only those teachers registered as Republicans would have a say.

Posted in Charlie Crist, Politics, State News | No Comments »

Florida Breaks Unemployment Record

April 16th, 2010 by flanews

Last month the state set a record for unemployment; this month the record was broken.

Florida’s jobless rate is now at 12.3 percent, the highest since the state began keeping unemployment records in the 1970’s. More than a million Floridians are looking for work. Chief Economist for the Agency for Workforce Innovation Rebecca Rust says the numbers have been fluctuating slightly but it will be a while before they level off.

“This is expected when you are at the bottom of a recession that you will have some ups and downs in terms of the statistics. Usually the employment numbers should move in the same direction for about four months in a row before you can consider that a trend,” said Rust.

The national unemployment rate is 9.7 percent.

Posted in State News, Unemployment | No Comments »

Officers Escape Charges Again: Martin Lee Anderson Saga Continues

April 16th, 2010 by flanews

Florida civil rights leaders are livid tonight over a decision by the federal government not to pursue civil rights charges against officers who beat a 14 year old to death.

Martin Lee Anderson was killed in 2007, after seven officers at a panhandle boot camp took turns beating the teen for more than 30 minutes. The officers escaped criminal charges; civil rights leaders, including the family’s attorney Ben Crump, were hoping the Federal government would hold the officers accountable.

“All of us watched the federal government around the same time this was going on and they charged Mike Vick and sent him to prison for killing a dog and you don’t even bring any charges for killing this child,” said Crump.

A representative from the NAACP told reporters after the decision was announced that the organization will be asking the US Attorney General to investigate the case. The NAACP is planning to march on Washington if their cries for justice continue to be ignored. .

Posted in Children, Criminal Justice, State News | No Comments »

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