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Fee Reversal

March 31st, 2010 by flanews

One year after state lawmakers jacked up the price you pay to fish, register your car, and buy a Florida driver’s license… They’re looking to lower the price. Most of the fees wouldn’t be reduced as much as they were originally raised, but As Whitney Ray tells us, lowering the fees would give those lawmakers seeking higher office something to hang their hats on this campaign season.

The rush to beat dreaded drivers license and tag renewal fee increases before the September 1st deadline overloaded DMV computers.

“I tried this morning and last night and it said it was down for repairs,” said Annett Hackett.

Some fees doubled. Others went up slightly. But for those people who renewed or registered after the deadline… here’s a slap in the face. State lawmakers now want to lower the fees they just raised.

Senator Dave Aronberg voted against the fee increases last year.

“Everyone is affected by it so there’s an attempt this year to undo it and I think it’s a good thing,” said Aronberg.

Not all the fees will go down as much as they were raised. Drivers would save about six dollars renewing their vehicle tags depending on the weight of the car. Renewing a drivers license would go down about 15 dollars.

For the first time in state history…. Lawmakers imposed a fee on people fishing from shore. Senator Carey Baker is now asking for the state to pick up the tab.

“That was a federal requirement so we had no choice, what we don have a choice about whether we are going to charge our citizens or not,” said Baker.

Reducing the fees will allow the 20 plus lawmakers seeking a higher office to brag about saving fisherman and drivers money but only if voters don’t remember who raised the fees in the beginning.

The fee increase were expected to bring in a billion dollars a year, The roll-backs would cut a third out of that number leaving lawmaker looking in other places for the money.

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