Sink, McCollum Go Back and Forth Over Medicaid Fraud
March 9th, 2010 by Mike VasilindaThe race for Governor is heating up over who is or isn’t fighting fraud in the Medicaid program. CFO Alex Sink is suggesting her likely GOP opponent, Attorney General Bill McCollum, isn’t doing his job. McCollum says he is.
“Well, it’s estimated that we have as much as three billion dollars in Medicaid fraud, right here in Florida,” CFO Sink said. “And it’s about time that the Attorney General step up and do his job and go after this fraud.”
“I just reported $198 million in recoveries just this past year,” McCollum said. “That’s the record high number of dollar amounts that have been recovered and we’ve had steady increasing convictions, so those kinds of reports were highly inaccurate.”
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