80 Percent of Car Seats Installed improperly
November 13th, 2009 by flanewsThe Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles is asking parents to double check their child’s safety seat.
Four out of every five seats are installed incorrectly, increasing the likely hood of injury of even death in a traffic accident. Marianne Trussell, Florida Department of Transportation’s Chief Safety Officer, says most parents don’t know the safety rules.
“We also see anywhere from the straps improperly installed. Sometimes people have them forward facing. They should be rear facing at least till 20 pounds and a year. Sometimes we see babies forward facing way too young,” said Trussell.
Today American Express donated 10-thousand dollars to the Florida Highway Patrol Advisory Board. The money will be used to buy 200 child safety seats for families. Last year the Florida DMV used donations money to buy more than 5-thousand car seats.
Posted in Charlie Crist, Highways, State News, Transportation | 6 Comments »