H1N1 Vaccines On the Way
October 7th, 2009 by Mike VasilindaA 20-year-old female in Alachua County, and a 53-year-old female in Hernando County are among the latest swine flu deaths in Florida. Seven people, all with other complications died in the last week. As Mike Vasilinda tells us, H1N1 vaccine will start arriving by the end of the week, but it could take awhile for low risk Floridians to receive a dose.
The first shipments of the H1N1 vaccine will start arriving in Florida this week. Pregnant women, care-givers of kids less than six months old, health care workers, and people under 64 with underlying conditions will take priority. By January, 11 million doses will be delivered to the state.
“We feel, really, that there’s enough in the pipeline, that everyone that wants this vaccine will be able to obtain it, eventually,” Florida Surgeon General Dr. Ana Viamonte Ros said.
At a Wednesday briefing, State Senators were told up to 40 percent of the state’s population is expected to be infected over a 2-year period. If you are not in the priority group for vaccine, you’ll likely have to wait.
“Looks like about 8 to 12 weeks before we’ll have sufficient vaccines in the supply to go past the priority groups at this time,” Rhonda White, with the Department of Health, said.
To remind people the best defense is washing your hands, the state is spending a million dollars to rebroadcast this PSA, suggesting that 4 out of 5 do wash after they use the restroom.
Dozens of hand-cleansing stations like this one have been place all over the Capitol, in hopes of keeping government running as flu season approaches.
Since spring, 300 outbreaks have been investigated. The Florida death toll reached 109 this week. Most, but not all, had underlying conditions.
When available, H1N1 Vaccines will be free and voluntary.
If you have questions, the state hot line is 877.352.3581. And to learn where and when vaccine is available, check the website www.myflusafety.com
Posted in Health, State News, Swine Flu | 1 Comment »