Going Once, Going Twice, Sold
October 6th, 2009 by flanewsIn the market for a 13 karat diamond ring or a Rolex straight out of a James Bond movie?
Bargain hunters will get a chance to bid on some extravagant items later this month when the state auctions off unclaimed property. The items being sold were left in safe deposit boxes through out the state and have been locked up for five years while state officials search for the owners. Chief Financial Officer Alex Sink oversees the bureau of unclaimed property and says the bureau has had great success tracking down owners.
“In just these three months, we have already reunited 67,000 citizens with more than 41 million dollars. So we are here today to call attention to not only the unclaimed property auction, but to encourage Floridians to check the website www.fltreasurehunt.org,” said Sink.
The auction will be held October 24th at the Fort Lauderdale Embassy Suites. People can still make claims on items sold at the auction, but the claim is paid in cash.
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