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Aggressive Drivers Face Stiffer Penalties

September 30th, 2009 by flanews

Aggressive drivers will be paying higher tickets and taking more driving courses starting tomorrow. On October 1st, penalties for running a red-light, passing a stopped school bus, and street racing will increase by 65 dollars. As Whitney Ray tells us, the money raised by the increased penalties will help fund trauma centers.

Aggressive drivers make the roads a little less safe for everyone. Running red-lights, street racing and passing stopped school buses put lives at risk. Amanda Enfield says having kids opened her eyes to the dangers on the roadways.

“I’m more cautious and much more aware now that I’m buckling these babies in the car all the time,” said Amanda.

Starting Thursday the roads could get a little safer for Amanda and her family. Penalties for aggressive driving are increasing by 65 dollars. Passing a stopped school bus could carry a fine of 265 dollars depending on where the violation occurs. Racing will cost at least 565 dollars. Running a red light will go up to 190 dollars.

Money from the increased fees will go to trauma centers though out the state. But bad drivers aren’t just getting hit in the pocketbook. Some first offenders will now have to take driver safety courses.

“Now if someone runs a red light, instead of getting their second offense before they have to go to school, it’s going to happen on their first offense,” said Florida Highway Patrol Captain Mark Welch.

Katie Bowers hopes people take heed of the new penalties.

“I think it’s a great thing, I really do; maybe it will have an impact and people will stop and slow down,” said Welch.

In 2007 red-light runners were responsible for more than a 100 deaths and 10-thousand injuries on Florida’s roadways. Increased efforts to stop the practice are expected to lower those numbers. The new penalties are expected to raise between 150 to 400 thousand dollars for Florida trauma centers.

Posted in Health, State News, Transportation | 1 Comment »

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