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Swine Flu U

September 23rd, 2009 by flanews

There are hundreds of cases of Swine Flu on Florida college campuses, and we are still weeks away from receiving the vaccine. College students will be one of the last groups to receive the vaccine, and as Whitney Ray tells us, they don’t seem too worried about catching the virus.

Florida State Freshman Kyle Wilkes is living uncomfortably close to some sick students.

“Right next door, they actually had a note on the door that said ‘swine flu do not enter,’” said Kyle.

There have been 336 cases of swine flu on FSU’s campus since the start of the school year. Florida A & M has reported 80. There are 450 possible cases at the University of Florida. There are even a few unconfirmed cases on the UF football team, which could be the top-ranked Gators biggest opponent this fall.

Last week Wakulla High School cancelled its football game because 15 of its players were out with the Swine Flu. Quarterback Coach Joshua Manning says his team is bracing for the worst.

“Eventually they are saying all of them will end up getting sick, and we’re going to go to Styrofoam cups so you know they are not touching each other,” said Manning.

A vaccine is expected by mid-October, but students will be one of the last groups to receive the shot.

“First on the list is pregnant women, but it is important to stress that we do not anticipate a shortage here in the state of Florida,” said Smith.

So far 92 Floridians have died from the H1N1 virus. There is no confirmation if any of the victims were college students. The Department of Health is advising college students, and everyone else, to get a seasonal flu shot right now even if they plan to get a swine flu shot later on.

FSU: 336 Confirmed
FAMU: 80 Confirmed
FGCU: 1 Confirmed
New College: 2 Confirmed

Probable Cases:
UF: 450 possible cases
FAU: 150 Probable cases:

Flu like Symptoms:

USF: 79 Flu like Symptoms
UWF: 42 with Flu like symptoms

Did not respond to our request for Information:

UNF: 904.620.1000
FIU: 305.348.7236
UCF: 407.823.2000

Posted in Children, Education, Health, State News | No Comments »

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