Health Care, Abortions, and Tarnished Brand
August 12th, 2009 by flanewsThe head of the state Republican Party says the governor will find a suitable replacement for former US Senator Mel Martinez, but wouldn’t weigh in with his choice.
Party Chairman Jim Greer recognizes that the Republican brand is tarnished which only adds to the urgency of the appointment. Democrats are out pacing Republicans in fundraising and voter registration. Greer said that’s why his party is getting a jump on the 2010 election.
“We are getting geared up, we are starting earlier. I would say much earlier than normally the party would start in a normal election cycle. I believe we are going to need to do that to make sure we get registrations up, get our message out, that we are defining the Democrats before the Democrats attempt to define us,” said Greer.
Crist says he’s considering seven people for the US Senate seat. He hopes to make an appointment before the Senate goes back in session next month.
Health Care
The head of the state Republican Party says congress is rushing health care reform. In the mist of heated town hall debates on the issue, Party Chairman Jim Greer said congress needs to slow down so the public can catch up on the issues. Greer said he would rather congress take two years and get it right rather than doing something quickly and making mistakes.
“If we don’t know all the information and all the potential benefits and all the potential consequences on a major policy issue like this then stop and make sure everyone who has a stake in the issue has a seat at the table,” said Greer.
Waiting could benefit the GOP. In 2010 Republicans could have an opportunity to take back the congress.
Taxpayer Funded Abortions
Scare tactics over death panels and whether a national health care plan should pay for abortions have been questions clouding the health care debate. State GOP Chairman Jim Greer says most people would oppose taxpayer funded abortions, an idea that opponents of the heath care bill say has made its way into the legislation. Greer says neither pro-life nor pro-choice supporters want the government handing out money for abortions.
“I think most people, whether you support it, don’t support it say lets not get taxpayer funding involved in this issue,” said Greer.
The section of the bill some believe lays-out the ground work for taxpayer funded and possible forced abortions deals with home doctor visits for pregnant women. The legation says nothing about abortions.
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