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Stimulus Dollars Hires Florida Cops

July 28th, 2009 by flanews

The want ads will soon be filled with opening for police officers.

Florida is receiving 87 million stimulus dollars to hire 428 police officers. The money will cover the officer’s salaries and benefits for the next three years. Governor Charlie Crist championed the stimulus package in Florida and is glad the state will receive more officers.

“I think that Florida has been extremely successful in terms of support for our police officers, for our deputies across the state. I think as a large result of that we have declining climb as it relates to violent crime and I think people are very appreciative of that and we should always be supportive of our law enforcement officers of the great work they do and the tremendous risks they take,” said Crist

Attorney General Bill McCollum has concerns about what the state will do when the money to pay the officers runs out.

“There is a question mark whenever the federal government provides money for additional resources like police officers and only has a three year window. What do you do after three years? But if the police departments choose to employ these agents then they’ll simply have to deal with that when they get to it,” said McCollum.

Police departments that accept the money will be required to keep the officers on board for a fourth year without the help of stimulus dollars to pay their salaries.

Posted in Charlie Crist, Criminal Justice, McCollum, State News | 2 Comments »

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