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FL Communities Seek a 180 on 360

July 14th, 2009 by flanews

Eight city and county governments are suing the state over a new law aimed at speeding up development. The legislation allows builders to develop land without paying for road construction near the property. As Whitney Ray tells us, city and county governments say the legislation unfairly requires them to pick up the road costs that developers don’t want to pay.

Builders in Florida’s urban areas no longer have to pay for road construction. A new law eliminates the road fees in an attempt to speed up development. Opponents say the legislation will lead to traffic problems, because builders will no longer have to plan for traffic. Eight cities and counties are suing the state saying the law creates an unfunded mandate because they’ll eventually have to pay to handle to traffic.

The suit also claims amendments to the legislation aimed at making housing more affordable and keeping counties from requiring business to have security cameras violate the state’s single subject rule. The Florida Chamber of Commerce says the suit is standing in the way of development.

“It’s unfortunate that you find local governments using taxpayer dollars to go and pursue this lawsuit when there are many provision in this bill designed to help Florida Businesses,” said Adam Babington, a spokesman with the Florida Chamber.

One of those provisions allows developers to extend their building permits for two years. The extension will give developers more time to finance their projects. The Florida Association of Realtors says the law will go along way to help fix Florida’s economy.

“These kind of incentives are absolutely necessary because it’s short sided to try and prevent these things from happening now because it’s building and developing that are going to bring this state back,” said John Sebree, a spokesman with the Florida Association of Realtors.

Some developers are waiting to see what happens with the lawsuit, before moving forward with their projects.

Posted in Business, Economy, Housing, State News | No Comments »

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