No More Funny Honey
July 13th, 2009 by flanewsThe state is taking steps to make sure honey bought in Florida is pure honey.
Some sellers add water, sugar, and additives to their products. Starting July 14th the state will adopt standards prohibiting the sell of honey with additives. Commissioner of Agriculture Charles Bronson said he hopes to set an example other states will follow.
“We hope other states, the 28 other states that are looking at this, and hopefully the FDA will come to the same conclusion, that if it’s not made by a bee, then it’s probably not honey. We just want people who are paying honey prices to get 100 percent honey,” said Bronson.
Florida is the 4th largest honey producing state. Honey has an economic impact of nearly 40 million dollars a year, employing more than 500 people. Companies caught violating the new standards could be forced to stop selling honey and pay 500 dollars per violation.
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