Operation Hurricane Prepare
May 26th, 2009 by flanewsThe state is joining AARP to prepare seniors for hurricane season.
Florida’s Chief Financial Officer Alex Sink announced the awareness campaign Tuesday. It’s called “Operation Hurricane Prepare,” and it relies on neighbor helping neighbor. The goal of the campaign is to reminded seniors to prepare an evacuation plan and to stock up on hurricane supplies. Lori Parham, a spokeswoman with AARP said everyone can do something to help their neighbors prepare for the storm.
“With hurricane season just days away, its really time to get ready. So whether someone has 5 minutes, 5 hours, or longer, and that’s what is really great about this initiative. A few moments can really make a difference in talking to and engaging people who really need to prepare. We believe we can make Florida stronger through that preparation,” said Parham.
AARP launched a new website to help people prepare. The web address is www.aarp.org/hurricaneprepare. The site encourages shopping for seniors, helping them evacuate or things as simple as helping seniors pick up items in their yard.
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