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Capitol News Service » 2009 » February

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Crist Promotes Florida Sports

February 3rd, 2009 by flanews

Governor Charlie Crist says sporting events can help jump start Florida’s economy.

Tuesday, Crist sat down with leaders from Florida’s professional sports teams. The sports industry generates 36 billion dollars a year in economic growth and employs more than 400,000 Floridians. Governor Charlie Crist said despite the worsening economy, people need to support their local teams.

“I think it brings an awful lot of joy to our fellow Floridians and that’s important and I want to emphasize the billions of dollars and the economic impact in our state and it really is a nice diversion whether people go out fishing or hunting or whatever it may be. It’s important that people continue to enjoy that quality of life that is so precious to the fabric of Florida,” said Crist.

Crist says the Super Bowl pumped 300 million dollars into the state economy.

Posted in Charlie Crist, Economy, State Budget, State News | No Comments »

Groups Aims to Lower Divorce Rate

February 3rd, 2009 by flanews

A group that successfully pushed a gay marriage ban into the state constitution is now taking aim at divorce.

More couples get divorced in Florida than in any other state. The Florida Family Policy Council wants to change the no fault divorce law to make it harder for couples with kids to separate. They also want to provide incentives for couples to take extra premarital counseling. President of the Florida Family Policy Council John Stemberger said reducing divorce will solve many problems the state faces.

“When you strengthen marriages and families you are simultaneously solving, you can‘t name a domestic issue you’re not directly solving by directly strengthening marriage and families: Crime, education, poverty, business productivity, welfare, abortion,” said Stemberger.

The group says cutting divorces by 10 percent statewide could save taxpayers 100 million dollars a year by reducing the need for state and federal welfare programs.

Posted in Children, State News | No Comments »

State Looks to Speeders to Balance the Budget

February 2nd, 2009 by flanews

Running a red light will now cost you more than $200. Traffic fines across the board went up this week to keep Florida’s courts and prisons operating. As Whitney Ray tells us, some drivers are calling the increases highway robbery.

Hear it Here: State Looks to Speeders to Balance the Budget

College Student Sean Swieczkowski says he worked overtime to pay off his first speeding ticket.

“The speeding ticket really hurt me a lot. I had to work more hours, which really affected my school. It was really bad,” said Sean.

If Sean gets caught speeding again, he’ll be working even harder to pay the fine. Most traffic tickets went up 10 dollars this week. Speeding fines are up even more.

Fines for people driving 15 miles per hour over the speed limit will now cost 25 extra bucks. Eric Mclester calls the increases “highway robbery.”

Lawmakers passed the fine increases to offset spending cuts to the state’s courts in prisons. The Florida Highway Patrol isn’t getting any of the extra money, but they hope the increases will encourage speeders to slow down.

“If thinking that they’ll have to pay a little bit more for a traffic citation if they get pulled over keeps people from speeding, we’re all for that,” said Captain Mark Welch with the Highway Patrol.

Willie Johnson already has a plan to avoid paying the higher fines.”

“I don’t get tickets, so evidently I’ve been driving pretty good,” said Willie.

Good advice for drivers who think the new fines could break their banks. Starting this week judges can no longer reduce or wave fines for drivers willing to take education courses.

Posted in Highways, State Budget, State News, Transportation | No Comments »

Governor Eyes Stimulus Dollars

February 2nd, 2009 by flanews

Florida could be getting a bigger chunk of the economic stimulus package than Governor Charlie Crist originally asked for.

In December, Crist asked for seven billion dollars. He met with US Senators this weekend and says Florida could now stands to gain 13 billion if Congress approves the plan. The money would go to roads, schools, and health care. Crist says Florida is ready to spend the money.

“I think one of the important things is that when these moneys come to the various states around the country injecting them into the economy as quickly as possible is an important component of being able to jolt the economy if you will which we all know is very important,” said Crist.

The plan passed the House last week. The Senate is expected to vote on their version of the stimulus plan by February 16th.

Posted in Charlie Crist, Economy, Education, Highways, State Budget, State News, Transportation | No Comments »

Crist Leaves Senate Door Open

February 2nd, 2009 by flanews

Governor Charlie Crist isn’t ruling out a run at the US Senate.

Several big name Republicans have turned down the opportunity to run for the seat Mel Martinez will vacate in 2010. Crist has been dodging the question for months, saying he’s focused on Florida. A reporter asked Crist point blank if he is withdrawing his name.

“’It sure sounds that you’re running for Senate, if you could put that to rest or whatever,’ asked a reporter ‘I’m focused on Florida and our budget issues and making sure we’re ready to spend these stimulus dollar,’ Crist said. ‘That’s a no as far as running for Senate,’ added the reporter. ‘I didn’t hear that,’ Crist said. ‘So it’s a possibility,’ the reporter persisted. ‘I’m going to focus on Florida. Focus on our budget,’” Crist said.

Among the people who’ve announced they won’t run: Former Governor Jeb Bush, Attorney General Bill McCollum and Florida Chief Financial Officer Alex Sink. Democratic Congressman Kendrick Meek and State Senator Dan Gelber are running for a shot at the seat.

Posted in Charlie Crist, Politics, State News | No Comments »

House Has New Speaker

February 2nd, 2009 by Mike Vasilinda

There is turmoil at the state capitol tonight as Republican House leaders scramble to elect a new speaker. Rep. Ray Sansom sought to temporarily step down from the top post on Friday following 2 months of criticism for possible ethical and criminal violations. As Mike Vasilinda tells us, House Republicans will meet later tonight to choose a permanent replacement.

Hear it Here: House Has New Speaker

Ray Sansom spent 2 months in virtual silence over allegations he steered state money to a hometown college, took a six-
figure job from the school, and helped arrange a meeting out of the sunshine.

When he did speak, it was too little too late.

Facing a grand jury and two ethics investigations Sansom on Friday sought to step down temporarily. But by Monday, GOP colleagues decided to make it permanent, Rep. Larry Cretul of Ocala has already taken over and will become the Speaker in March.

“I did not campaign for this position and I have no promises to fulfill,” Cretul said. “I have no ambition other then spending time with my grandsons, and they are the only ones I hope to impress.”

Democrat Mary Brandenberg says the controversy has hurt the House as a whole.

“Because we’ve been in a lot of turmoil, there is going to be a perception that we’re weaker,” Brandenberg said.

But the men next in line for power say it is time to move forward.

“Certainly it’s been a challenging time,” Rep. Will Wetherford (R-Pasco County) said. “I think there have been some distractions, there is no denying that. But look, I’m a believer that we have to focus on the task at hand.”

Meanwhile, Governor Charlie Crist is wisely staying out of the internal politics of the House.

Because he knows no matter who is in charge, he’ll have to deal with them.

Posted in Legislature, State News | No Comments »

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