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Business Leaders Push ‘Wise’ Stimulus Spending

February 18th, 2009 by flanews

Florida business leaders want stimulus money spent on infrastructure. Tax groups, economic experts, and construction contractors have looked at different ways to spend the money, and as Whitney Ray tells us, they have a plan to spend half of Florida’s 12 billion stimulus dollars to create 150,000 jobs.

Hear it Here: Business Leaders Push ‘Wise’ Stimulus Spending

As state gas tax revenues dwindled this summer, so did the road construction jobs they funded. Since September road builder Craig Elmore has laid off 50 workers.

“We’ve been in business for 56 years and I don’t know how much longer we can go on if we don’t get some help,” said Elmore.

Help is around the corner as Florida looks for ways to spend 12 billion federal stimulus dollars. State Senator Mike Fasano is siding with business leaders who say the 1.3 billion earmarked for roads should be used as soon as possible.

“It’s making certain that every dollar goes to exactly what it’s suppose to, resurfacing, building and repairing,” said Fasano.

Some of the money could be spent to update water treatment plants and pipelines.

“Getting money to stimulate change in infrastructure makes it better for you and me to drink water and it also puts people to work,” said Chuck Carden, Director of Operations for Tampa Bay Water.

And if the money begins to trickle down, business and retailers are asking consumers to shop locally. An estimated 12 billion dollars that could be spent in Florida stores is being spent online or in other states. And for every 100,000 of those dollars spent out of state, one Floridian loses their job, causing businesses to close their doors.”

Floridians are not only being encouraged to shop locally. Business leaders are also asking them to take instate vacations. Business leaders are also asking lawmakers to lift building permit restrictions in order to speed up construction projects.

Posted in Business, Economy, Highways, Legislature, State Budget, State News, Transportation | No Comments »

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