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Three Day Weekend For Schools

February 11th, 2009 by Mike Vasilinda

Schools days could get longer next year, but there would be fewer of them under a plan being considered in Tallahassee. As Mike Vasilinda tells us, school districts are asking for the flexibility to go to a four-day week.

As schools look for ways to make ends meet, they want authority to make school days longer, while going from five to four days a week. The idea is being pushed by the Superintendents Association, which knows it will upset parents who will need another day of childcare.

“Those parents will be quite upset,” Bill Montford, with the Florida Association of School Superintendents, said. “But, most parents in Florida who have children in schools are upset already because of the decisions we’ve already had to make and the other decisions, much tougher decisions that are coming in the very near future.”

A four-day school week would save fuel for buses, electricity, and support staff salaries. But Florida’s Education commissioner is not happy.

 “We have made our position clear to districts that we’re not supportive of advocating for a four day week for school” Commissioner of Education Eric Smith said.

The bill’s sponsor says the intent is flexibility. The savings it generates could offset the need for higher property taxes to keep schools running.

“For me, it is an attempt to save programs for students by allowing them that flexibility,” Sen. Evelyn Lynn (R-Daytona Beach) said.

While a four-day school week would be highly unusual, there is nothing usual about the budget problems school face trying to stay open.

Not every school district is likely to adopt the four-day week if it is approved.


Posted in Children, Economy, Education, Property Taxes, State Budget, State News | No Comments »

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