Florida One Step Closer to Billions in Federal Help
January 29th, 2009 by flanewsFlorida is one step closer to receiving federal dollars for road construction, education and health care.
Wednesday the House passed the 820 million dollar economic recovery package. If the House plan makes it to President Barack Obama’s desk, Florida could see as much as 29 billion dollars in economic growth. Four million would go to health care programs. AARP lobbyist Leslie Spencer said Florida needs the money to help seniors who could see cuts to services in Florida’s March legislative session.
“I think we could see real cuts to direct services. During the last round of budget cuts they reduced rates to providers, but we could see real cuts to services that help people stay in the community. In some instance it could be a case of life and death for many of our members,” said Spencer.
The US Senate will take up the stimulus package next week.
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