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Confederate Group Cries Discrimination

January 19th, 2009 by flanews

This may be a day to celebrate civil rights, but a group pushing a confederate license plate in Florida says it has been discriminated against by the state. The Sons of Confederate Veterans plans to file a lawsuit against the state tomorrow because, as Whitney Ray tells us, the state ignored the group’s efforts to display their heritage on their vehicles.

Hear it Here: Confederate Group Cries Discrimination

Eight years ago the stars and bars of the confederacy flew at the state capitol. The flag was quietly removed in 2001. In 2005 the Sons of Confederate Veterans collected signatures and paid a 60 thousand dollar fee for the creation of an official confederate license plate.

‘We met all the requirements. We started this effort about three years ago. We raised 60,000 dollars for an application fee that we filed with the state,” said Bob Hurst, a Sons of Confederate Spokesman.

Despite paying the fee and filing the proper paperwork the legislature never took on the group’s issue. The pro plate group is suing, asking lawmakers to vote on the legislation.

“’Why do you think they don’t like the idea,’ asked Capitol News Bureau Chief Mike Vasilinda. ‘Because we’re politically incorrect and most of our legislators are pretty spineless,” said Hurst.

State Senator Al Lawson said the plate promotes hatred.

“Because of what happened to African Americans in this country it’s really significant that they really don’t do that at this time,” said Lawson.

Students marching in a Martin Luther King Rally say the flag is a symbol of racism, but the plate legislation should be heard anyway.

“Everybody has their own beliefs. I may not believe in it. The next person might not believe in it, but if that’s what you believe and that’s what’s you like, then I say go for it even though I don’t like it personally,” said FAMU Student Nathaniel Holston.

If the confederate group can’t get the legislature to approve their plate, they say lawmakers should be removed from the process.

The Sons of Confederate Veterans say their not racist. The group said it’s devoted to preserving the history of their ancestors who fought in the civil war and claim having their own license plate would help them do that.

Posted in Legislature, State News, Transportation | No Comments »

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