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Fugitive Pilot Remains Hospitalized

January 15th, 2009 by Mike Vasilinda

The fugitive pilot who crashed his plane to fake his own death will remain in a Tallahassee hospital another night after attempting suicide. Marcus Schrenker now faces Federal charges for sending a false distress signal. As Mike Vasilinda tells us, Schrenker will be transported to Pensacola when his condition improves.

Hear it Here: Schrenker in Hospital

Marcus Schrenker began raising suspicions at this Gadsden County campground when he didn’t pay for a second day, and when he didn’t interact with others.

“We hadn’t seen him moving around to eat, no movement out of the tent. Nothing at all,” campground owner Caroline Hastings said.

Police called the campground at 7 Tuesday night, asking about suspicious activity. The
owners then met sheriffs deputies outside the campground entrance.

“As soon as they unfolded the picture, I said that’s him,” Hastings said.

Within three hours, US Marshals were leading the arrest team. The first thing they noticed was a large amount of blood.

“He was trying to say that he didn’t want any medical attention. He mentioned the word ‘die’ one or two times,” US Marshal Frank Chinmento said.

Blood thinning and pain killing pills were found at the campsite. Schrenker remains in a Tallahassee hospital.

When Schrenker is released from the hospital, he’ll be taken to Pensacola where he’ll be housed in the Escambia county jail.

US Marshals say Friday is the earliest he will be released.

“Court, at the earliest, would most likely be Monday, in Pensacola,” US Marshal Scott Wilson said. “He’ll undergo an initial appearance, an arraignment, and possibly a bond hearing.”

Should Schrenker post bail, he will be held for Indiana authorities.

Schrenker, 38, faces two felonies in Indiana. One count for an unlawful act by a compensated adviser and another for unlawful transaction by an investment adviser. He is also facing Federal charges of willfully damaging, destroying or wrecking an aircraft.

Posted in Criminal Justice, State News | 2 Comments »

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