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Freeze Warning

January 15th, 2009 by flanews

Governor Charlie Crist issued a state of emergency because of freezing temperatures expected to hit Florida tonight and over the weekend.

Crist is calling for a temporary ban on weight, height, and length restrictions for trucks carrying produce. Agriculture Commissioner Charles Bronson said lifting the ban will allow farmers to save their crops.

�We asked the governor if he would call the emergency ahead of time so those who were able to get their crops out of the field before they were destroyed could do that so that the effect on the food supply and the cost of the food supply on the shelf would be minimized instead of maximized by leaving it in the field and letting it go to waist,� said Bronson.

Governor Crist said people need to be careful when trying to stay warm in the cold weather.

�Floridians need to take heed of the fact that we are going to have some awfully cold weather and to not only protect their plants but make sure they stay warm and stay smart and that they have the kind of heaters that don�t cause fire or damage,� said Crist.

The trucking restrictions ban will be in effect for the next two weeks.

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