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Holiday Toy Warning

November 26th, 2008 by Mike Vasilinda

Across the country last year, 80,000 children were sent to hospitals after choking on parts of a toy or being exposed to toxic chemicals. As Mike Vasilinda tells us. Toys made with toxic materials lead the 23rd annual Trouble in Toyland report.

Hear it Here: Holiday Toy Warning

Laura Loy is shopping for her sons first Christmas, and she’s finding it to be a challenge.

“I was actually wanting to buy that gift set, that has a lot of little balls and I’m thinking, I don’t want to have to pick it up,” Loy said. “So I want something big that he won’t choke on and that’s big enough for me to pick up.”

The aisles are packed with toys, some of them dangerous.  New Federal regulations are on the books, but not fully in place yet, says the Florida Public Interest Research Group. That means parents need to be careful.

“This pony contains nearly ten percent of the toxic chemical called phthalates,” Brad Ashwell with FPIRG said.  “A lot of other countries have banned it for awhile, but are sending their toxic toys over to the U.S. to sell them, moving the product over here.

Choking remains a concern for parents of small children.

There’s more to worry about than just small pieces. Parents also have to worry about parts breaking off.

Budgets may be a bigger concern for some this Christmas then seasons past. It’s what’s top of mind for mom Julia Marsh.

“I would say the price and how much they’re actually going to play with it,” Marsh said.

Last year, 33 Children across the country choked to death.

New Federal regulations will provide a database for parents to check which toys have been a problem, and there will be some toys banned from import, but those regulations won’t kick in time for this Christmas.

Posted in Children, State News | 1 Comment »

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