Electric Rates Going Up
November 12th, 2008 by Mike VasilindaFlorida utility customers will be paying more starting in January. How much more depends on where you live. The Florida Public Service Commission today approved rate hikes to cover increased fuel costs for most of the state’s utilities. Tampa Electric Customers will see their bill for a thousand kilowatt hours jump by $14.06 a month to 128.44. Progress Energy customers will see a $27.28 cent a month hike for a thousand kilowatt hours. An average Progress bill will now total $137.87.
Florida Power and Light was asking for a $7.87 monthly increase, but has filed new paperwork with the PSC to lower the charge slightly. FP&L cutomers will find out home much more they will be paying on December 2nd.
The PSC also took the unusual step of ordering Progress Energy to come back in March with actual fuel cost increases for the first two months of the year to determine if the pass through should be lowered.
The fuel increases come on top of charges Progress Energy and FP&L Customers will see for the construction of new nuclear plants. Beginning in January, Progress Customers will see an additional $11.42 charge while FP&L customers will be paying about $2.50 more for nuclear each month. The nuclear plants will not be on line until 2016.
See the company by company comparison here: rate-hike-proposals
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