Secretary Browning Gives Election a Nine out of Ten
November 4th, 2008 by flanewsSecretary of State Kurt Browning says Florida is writing a new chapter in its infamous Election Day history. Few voting problems were reported today and as Whitney Ray tells us, record early voting turnout lightened the load for poll workers.
With an hour to go until polls closed, a few last minute voters strolled into this Tallahassee precinct.
“I just had a lot of things to get done. We got them done and we got here,” said Tallahassee resident Cindy Garrett.
After Cindy Garrett cast her ballot, poll workers began picking up signs and counting the minutes until closing time.
This voting site was prepared to close on time and then three minutes before seven, a last minute voter rushed through the door. Jenett Hammond says better late than never.
“This is the Presidential Election. It’s the best thing you can do today,” said Jenett.
After the polls closed Secretary of State Kurt Browning gave the election high marks.
“Someone asked me earlier tonight, on a scale of one to ten where I would rate this election. I’d give it a nine,” Browning said.
Despite the good news, at least five counties still had long lines when the polls closed. Browning said more counties would have been added to the long line list if 4.2 million Floridians hadn’t voted early.
Student voting caused some of the biggest problems today. Out of town students at UCF and USF created long lines after they had to change their addresses before voting.
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