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Environmentalists Push Amendment 4

October 23rd, 2008 by flanews

Environmentalists and business leaders are pushing an amendment on November’s ballot that will give landowners a tax break if they delay development or promise never to develop their land. As Whitney Ray tells us, supporters of amendment four say the idea is to reward people who protect the environment.

The state provides tax exemptions for people who grow food or raise livestock, but there is no relief for landowners who keep their property intact.

A campaign is under way to slow development in Florida. Amendment 4 eliminates property taxes for people who promise never to develop their land, but there’s also tax relief for people who can’t hold out forever. Those exemptions are unclear.

There is a possible loophole lawmakers may have to consider if Amendment 4 passes and that’s how to handle property owners who conserve their land, receive a tax break only later to sell the property or develop it.

Supporters of the amendment say lawmakers will mandate a time period for people who don’t want to conserve their property forever.

“You would say, on this 100 acres, it’s going to be classified conservation use, its only going to be for 10 years. It will not be perpetual, but I will pay a lower tax rate, I’ll still pay taxes, but it will be a lower rate and I’ll have to do proactive conservation steps,” said Chairman of Citizens for Conservation, Preston Robertson.

Donald Morris voted yes on four.

“Any time you can cut and reduce I’m all for that,” said Donald.

Six out of 10 voters must approve the amendment for it to take effect in 2010. With the state facing a third year of declining tax revenues, some people have concerns about how a property tax cut might affect government funds. Tax experts say amendment 4 wouldn’t hurt state tax collections and would only have a minor impact on county funds.

Posted in Amendments, Environment, Legislature, State News, Taxes, Wildlife | No Comments »

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