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Poll Worker’s Being Trained

October 8th, 2008 by Mike Vasilinda

Thousands of poll workers are being trained across the state this month. Their decisions and performance on election day could determine the outcome of a close election, depending on who votes and who gets turned away. As Mike Vasilinda tells us, with just 27 days remaining, three is a lot to learn.

Welcome to Elections 101. Elections Trainer Kimberly Miller is walking her students though election day. “And we’re going to walk through right now how to close down the polls on election night, ” says Miller.

Across the state, poll workers are being trained on the basics. These soon to be poll workers are being trained on new touch screens that are for use by physically challenged voters. “Here’s the number. You want to record that on your log sheet,” Miller tells her students.

The pay isn’t great. But few poll workers like JoAnn Pullen do it for the money.
“It’s a good way to be a helpful persona and make sure the elections go well. I’ve been doing it since I was 21.” Pullen would’t tell us how long that has been.

Training for each county is different. Secretary of State Kurt Browning says some are already finished. “I want our poll worker to go to the polls in Florida  with a very positive attitude, a helpful attitude.”

In August, poll workers in Palm Beach misplaced 3500 ballots, raising questions about how prepared the state would be in November. Governor Charlie Crist says we will be ready.
“And I think its because of those people who work so hard to make sure the election has integrity, it is honorable, that it is done right and every vote counts,” says the Governor.

Poll Worker Dave Fritz says a complicated election code makes the job all the more difficult. “This is your drivers license, this is you. Typically is it pretty comprehensive for the job you gotta do.”

“And when a problem arises, send them to the clerk?”

“Its those three words. Send them to the clerk.”

In many ways, the nation’s view of Florida is in the hands of these poll workers.

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