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Nelson Skeptical of Bailout’s Success

September 29th, 2008 by Mike Vasilinda

Florida’s senior U-S Senator, says he is unhappy with parts of the Wall Street bailout package proposed by the White House. Senator Bill Nelson has been in Florida campaigning for Barack Obama and cut the trip short to return to the nation’s Capitol. As Mike Vasilinda tells us, Nelson wants to make sure CEO’s aren’t getting a golden parachute.

Speaking to a room of seniors and Barack Obama supporters, US Senator Bill Nelson blamed the current financial meltdown on the Bush Administration. He told the crowd a lack of oversight was the problem. After wards, he sited three problems with the Bailout: it doesn’t revive the housing market, Executives aren’t penalized, and there is no limit on the money going to foreign banks…all items that doomed the plan in the House.

“Put me down as highly skeptical, but willing to continue to work and try to improve the package. This is no fooling time for America”, warned Nelson.

To say seniors in the room who have seen their savings diminished are unhappy is an understatement.  Betty Lendway says she has had enough of the rich getting richer.

“I’m very angry, and I know a lot of other people are angry. It’s time it stopped”, says Lendway.  Chris Walker says the current system is just helping top of the economic ladder.
“We don’t need to reward those people whoa re running Wall Street, getting those big bonuses at the end of the year”, says Walker

With the failed vote in the House, its clear there is much work to do convincing voters the rescue is the right thing to do. And until voters are convinced, or the bottom falls out of the economy, Congress is not likely to act…at least before the election.

Nelson returned to the nations Capitol while the House was still debating the financial package.

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