Children’s Champions
September 29th, 2008 by Mike VasilindaAn agreement signed by the five agencies that have jurisdiction over childrens issues is designed to make the agencies better cooperate. Under the agreement, each agency will designate a “Child’s Champion” who will have authority to work with each of the agencies for the best interests of a child. Lt. Governor Jeff Kottcamp says it seems so logical, but has never been the policy of the state.
“Across this state, there are thousands of children who are relying on the state and counting on us. They depend on services from agencies for health care, for shelter, for resources. And we’re committed to not letting them down, ” says Kottcamp.
One agency chief sited the case of an 11 year old that was ordered sent to a juvenile facility by a judge, yet the Department of Juvenile Justice wouldn’t take the child because he had not been adjudicated delinquent.
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