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Dem Wives Rally Florida Students to Vote

September 27th, 2008 by flanews

The wives of Democratic White House hopefuls Barack Obama and Joe Biden spoke to thousands of college students in Tallahassee Saturday. Michelle Obama and Jill Biden are trying to motivate college students to vote. As Whitney Ray tells us, the Obama camp says young voters could be the key to winning Florida and the White House.

Students from three different colleges crowded around a stage at Florida A & M University to listen as Michelle Obama talked about the debt she and her husband took on to pay for student.

“Don’t you want a president in the White House that understands what it means to carry debt,” asked Michelle Obama.

As Mrs. Obama tried to connect with the young crowd, volunteers registered people to vote.

“I’m excited to be able to have a say in the next president,” Said 18 year-old Amanda Santos.

With the candidates neck and neck in Florida polls, the Obama camp thinks young voters could be key to winning the state.

“I really want to make sure that I vote. You see everybody out here, everybody out here wants to make sure that they vote as well,” said 25 year-old Mahana Pierre.

Jill Biden, the wife of Democratic Vice Presidential Nominee Joe Biden, spent 27 years teaching. Mrs. Biden said Obama and her husband would help students pay for college.

“Joe and Barack want to offer college students a 4,000 dollar tuition tax credit, which students badly need. Let’s face it. I’m in the community college. I see this every day, you know we have to help middle class families with college tuition,” said Jill Biden.

With the campaign promises delivered the real test comes November 4th, when the students will be asked to leave campus and actually vote.

Posted in Education, Elections, State News, Voting | 3 Comments »

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