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Extra Eyes on the Presidential Election in Florida

September 22nd, 2008 by flanews

Palm Beach County is still struggling to come up with an accurate count from the August 26th Primary. And with the general election just 44 days away, Democratic Presidential Nominee Barack Obama is preparing to deal with any voting problems that may arise at Florida polls. As Whitney Ray tells us, Obama will have a team of lawyers overseeing the vote.

Hear it Here: Extra Eyes on the Presidential Election in Florida

Thousands of people crowed around a stage in Jacksonville on Saturday, to hear Democratic presidential hopeful Barack Obama talk about the economy.

“It’s never been harder to save. It’s never been harder to retire,” Obama said in his Jacksonville speech.

Obama has motivated some Floridians to sign up to vote for the first time. The state Democratic Party has registered 300,000 new voters this year alone, but will their votes be counted?

With the 2000 election still fresh on the minds of many Democrats and recent problems with missing votes in Palm Beach County, Obama isn’t taking any chances in Florida.

“I’m not going to anticipate a problem. I’m just going to prepare for a problem by making sure that we’ve got lawyers in precincts all across the state. We are going to make sure the election is run the way it’s supposed to be run,” Obama said.

Leon County Supervisor of Elections Ion Sancho said a reenacted state law requiring voter registration forms to be typo free could make it harder on some people to cast ballots.

“Florida’s laws are not considered voter friendly because in fact rather than placing the burden on the state, the state has chosen to put the burden on otherwise legal citizens,” Sancho said.

The Secretary of State’s office is working to fix typos on voter registration forms. They’re also sending letters to people whose voter registration information is wrong. Another state law only allows over and under votes to be manually recounted, not all of the ballots, which could cause controversy in a close election.

Posted in Elections, State News, Voting | No Comments »

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