SACE Calls PSC Renewable Energy Report Weak
September 17th, 2008 by flanewsThe Southern Alliance for Clean Energy is attacking what they call the state’s lackluster efforts to produce renewable energy. The Public Service Commission is still working on the plan… which according to the Governor’s 2007 mandate is suppose to meet 20 percent of the state’s energy needs with wind and solar power. The Alliance says the PSC’s early draft doesn’t go nearly far enough to wean the state off fossil fuels. Alliance Executive Director Stephen Smith said Florida’s plan is the worst in the nation.
“First the goals are so weak and anemic that it makes it the worst renewable portfolio or renewable energy standard in the United States. It is the weakest most anemic of anything that’s been proposed. Two, the timeline is so long that Charlie Crist will be over 90 years old by the time that his goal is met with his proposal, with this draft rule,” said Smith.
The Alliance will release television ads this weekend to encouraging Governor Charlie Crist to keep pushing his plan.
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