Crist Urges People to Prepare
May 28th, 2008 by flanewsWith hurricane season on the horizon, the state is asking people to prepare, but not offering them any tax breaks to harden their homes. The state legislature voted down a hurricane tax break holiday, citing a budget 4 billion dollars lighter than a year ago. This is the first time in three years the state didn’t implement a sales tax holiday for hurricane season. Governor Charlie Crist urges families to prepare and said there’s still an incentive to stock up.
“The good news this year is that the private sector is really stepping up to the plate. There’s a lot of different outlets in Florida that are having specials for people to be able to purchase the kind of things that they need, coolers, water, batteries, flashlights, the essentials that you need during hurricane season to be ready to have your plan and be in place so I’m very pleased about that,” said Crist.
Besides the hurricane preparedness tax break, the legislature said no to a back to school tax break and a gas tax holiday.
Posted in Charlie Crist, Hurricane Season, State News, Taxes | 1 Comment »