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Lawsuit Claims DNC Stepped Out of Line, Treated Florida Unfairly

May 22nd, 2008 by flanews

Senate Minority Leader Steve Geller filed a federal lawsuit against the Democratic National Committee. Geller wants all of the state’s Democratic delegates seated. As Whitney Ray tells us, some members of the DNC say Geller is wasting his time.

Hear it Here: Lawsuit Claims DNC Stepped Out of Line, Treated Florida Unfairly

Last year a Republican led legislature voted to move up Florida’s Primary. The move violated bi-laws of both the Republican and Democratic National Committees. Both parties were penalized. Republicans lost half of their delegates. Florida Democrats lost them all.

Still that didn’t stop Democrats from voting. Thursday, Senate Minority leader Steve Geller filed a lawsuit alleging the Democratic National Committee was out of line when it penalized the state party. Geller says Democratic lawmakers did everything they could to prevent the move. DNC member Jon Ausman disagrees.

“He introduced a motion, but refused to debate it. He didn’t say one word in favor when there was a call for a debate,” said Ausman.

The suit also claims the DNC treated Florida unfairly by not penalizing other state that moved their primaries. Ausman said Florida forced the other states to change their primary dates.

“Those states were allowed to vote before February 5th and when Florida, thanks to Steve Geller, moved in front of February 5th the other states adjusted.”

Some voters say the lawsuit is too late.

“It’s a moot point,” said Veronica Sehrt, who voted for Barack Obama.

Whether or not the suit makes a difference in which nominee is selected will be left up to the Judicial system or the DNC Chair who’ s already pledged to seat a Florida delegation, he just hasn’t said how. A record setting 1.75 million people voted in the state’s Democratic primary.

Posted in Elections, Legislature, State News, Voting | No Comments »

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