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TPD Responds to Hoffman Murder Case

May 13th, 2008 by Mike Vasilinda

Questions over how a 23-year-old FSU graduate was led to her death as an under cover drug informant remain unanswered despite a mound of paper released by police in Tallahassee. The documents detail drug arrests and break-ins but not how police lost control of their informant. As Mike Vasilinda tells us, the Attorney General will now look at how Tallahassee police interact with their informants.

Documents released by Tallahassee police show their first contact with 23-year-old Rachel Hoffman was when she was stopped for speeding and smoking pot. A drug diversion program kept her out of jail but not from two break-ins, two home invasions, and a car jacking. All within months. An April complaint led to an arrest for dealing pot.

Rachel was killed last week, allegedly at the hands of two men she was trying to buy drugs and a gun from as an informant.  Attorneys for the young woman’s family say police are blaming the victim. Police say they’re not.

“Rachel is our victim and we will seek justice for Rachel and her family,” David McCranie with the Tallahassee Police Department said. “We did not provide the information to try to defame her character whatsoever. The facts are what the facts are. She was involved in drug activity and she was trying to do something right, she was trying to change things.”

The city first balked at an outside investigation of their procedures, then asked the Attorney General to investigate. It is not a criminal investigation.

“We are doing this review, if there’s comfort in that, well, I hope there is,” Attorney General Bill McCollum said.

Police say they welcome an outside look in.

“If they find that we need to change or adjust our policies and procedures, we’ll certainly do that,” McCranie said.

The two suspects are being held in the Leon County Jail without bail, going nowhere on kidnaping charges while authorities build their murder case.

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