Opponents Say Vouchers Could Hurt Public Schools
April 28th, 2008 by flanewsA proposed constitutional amendment would offer parents vouchers to send their kids to private schools. The Taxation and Budget Reform Commission approved an amendment Friday combining two plans. The joint plan requires school districts to spend 65 percent of money in the classroom and would allow also parents to receive state vouchers to sends their kids to private schools. ACLU spokesman Larry Spalding says the plan could create an exodus from the public school system and allow the state to provide funding to religious schools.
“Public schools are the foundation of this country and I think tax dollars ought to be restricted to funding our public schools. Private schools are great, religious schools are great, but taxpayers shouldn’t be funding those types of programs,” said Spalding.
The school voucher plan is one of seven constitution amendments the Taxation and Budget Reform Commission approved for the November Ballot.
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