Rainy Day Funds Save Medically Needy
April 23rd, 2008 by flanewsA program to help Florida’s working poor get the medical attention they need was resurrected in the latest budget turn. The Medically Needy Program helps about 20,000 Floridians who’ve suffered serious injuries or need an organ transplant. Earlier this week Lawmakers decided to cut funding for the program. Wednesday lawmakers changed their tune and voted to dip into state reserves to keep the program funded.
“We put a large widget in the right place to make sure that those people that have been unfortunate enough to have transplants and those that have problems with affording pharmaceuticals and immunological medications will have a place in our program,“ said Senator Durell Peaden.
The announcement to fund the Medically Needy program came as healthcare officials were planning on delivering thousand of petitions to lawmakers. The petitions asked lawmakers to save the program.
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