Film Fund Founded For Former Florida Lawmaker
April 21st, 2008 by flanewsLawmakers and people in the movie industry gathered to honor a fallen legislator. The late Don Davis arguably did more than any other lawmaker in his time to bring film crews to Florida. The former state representative helped pass an incentive package for film crews who choose to shoot movies in Florida. Today at the Capitol Film Florida announced the “Don Davis Film Finishing Fund.” The fund would provide completion funds to independent producers and filmmakers working in the Sunshine state. One of Davis’ longtime friends and fellow lawmaker Dick Kravitz said the fund keeps Davis’ dream alive.
“He would be so happy,” said Kravitz. “He’d be so happy if he were here today to see this great honor that you’re bestowing upon him.”
Davis died earlier this month. Forty-Eight films are slated to be shot in Florida this year compared to just eight last year.
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