US Senator Wants Electoral College Abolished
March 27th, 2008 by flanewsU.S. Senator Bill Nelson is proposing a massive election reform package.
It includes abolishing the Electoral College by amending the constitution to allow a direct election of the president, but as Mike Vasilinda tells us, the plan does nothing to make Florida’s democratic delegates count.
Hear it here: US Senator Wants Electoral College Abolished
Addressing the Florida Senate, the Democratic U-S Senator Bill Nelson was blunt.
“This election has provided further evidence that our system is broken,” said Nelson.
Nelson’s fix is to ban touch screen voting machines nationwide. He sets up six regional primaries. That ends the mess Florida is in for breaking party rules by voting early. Nelson also creates early voting nationwide, and abolishes the Electoral College.
“All of this has come to a head because here we are in Florida, over
1.7 million Democrats turned out on the Presidential primary, and now
the party is not honoring that vote,” said Nelson.
Nelson is pushing National Democrats to follow their own rules and seat half of the states delegates, so far with no luck. The next step is another federal lawsuit, filed this time by delegates and people who voted.
Negotiator and State Senator Steve Geller worries up to 10 percent of the state’s Democrats will vote GOP or not at all if the delegate issue isn’t settled.
“Not only are we going to lose the state in the presidential election, I’m afraid we’ll lose congressional elections and other seats. This issue must be resolved,” said Geller.
Another worry for Democrats is that without resolution to the delegate issue, Florida could find itself at war with the national party again in just four years because Florida’s legislature isn’t going to move the primary back. Sources say the new lawsuit will be filed next week.
Posted in Elections, Politics, State News, Voting | 16 Comments »