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Left Lane Legislation Passes Committee

March 25th, 2008 by flanews

Proposed legislation would make it illegal to drive in the left lane on Florida highways if someone is trying to pass you. The bill was written to cut down on aggressive driving, but as Whitney Ray tells us it could also penalize people who drive the speed limit.

Hear it here: Left Lane Legislation

The speed limit on Interstate 10 is 70 miles per hour. Drivers doing the speed limit in the left lane are routinely passed. Senator Mike Bennett wants to make travel easier and cut down on road rage by turning the left lane into the passing lane.

“People have accidents at 70, 80 miles per hour and people die. People get upset. People have road rage and people stop and shoot each other. We’re saying this is insane. Why don’t’ we just get people to move out of the left lane,” said Bennett.

Drivers like the idea.

“It would improve things because everyone would get to work faster, just move it along real quick,” Eric Wright said.

The same bill passed both chambers in 2005, but Former Governor Jeb Bush vetoed the legislation. Bush said he didn’t like the bill because it would penalize driver who weren’t speeding. Opponents worry about people stuck in the left lane during traffic jams being ticketed.

“Nobody’s going to enforce that law then. You just have to have common sense, and most of our laws are enforced by common sense,” said Bennett.

Drivers who like the idea say it would be hard to enforce.

“It they made the lane, it would be good for people who respect the lane, but you’ve got some that’s not going to pay the lane any attention, They just use that lane for a another exceptions to do what they do,” said driver Larry Arnold.

No matter what lawmakers decide it will be up the Florida Highway Patrol to make sure drivers obey. The bill would also make driving in the left lane when someone is trying to pass, an aggressive driving violation

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