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Crist Popularity Riding on Election

January 24th, 2008 by Mike Vasilinda

Governor Charlie Crist remains on the most popular Governor’s of recent times, but as Mike Vasilinda tells us he is staking much of his political capital on the property tax vote that is on Tuesday’s ballot.

Here it here: Crist Popularity Riding on Election

By most accounts, Governor Charlie Crist works a room better than just about any politician. His approval ratings are astronomical….but he is betting much of his political capital against powerful foes on a vote to cut property taxes.

Crist is the lone spokesman for Yes on 1. Lawmakers who put it on the ballot have stayed in the background or walked away. The only Democrat elected to a state office quietly opposes the tax amendment. A spokesman for the Democratic party says Crist’s credibility is on the line.

“He could be in some trouble, I think,” Democratic party spokesman Mark Bubriski said.

Even Republican insiders are willing to admit the governor has staked a lot of his reputation on what happens Tuesday.

Two politically savvy voters split on what affect the governor will have on the tax vote. Republican Steve Seibert who worked for Bush, says Crist didn’’t sway him one way or another.

“No. Absolutely. But I respect Crist immensely,” Seibert said.

Mark Neimeiser lobbies for a union and believes Crist wins no matter the outcome of the vote.

“He’s out there pitching and he keeps pitching and people will like that,” Neimeiser said.

So we asked the governor what he thought.

“I have no idea,” Crist said. “I don’’t know. But what’s riding on Tuesday is…”

And he immediately pitched his pet cause. Win or lose, Wednesday will come and Crist will still be governor.

60 percent of voters have to approve Amendment 1.

Posted in Amendments, Charlie Crist, Property Taxes, State News | 17 Comments »

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